Media Coverage

  • Infobae: “The puzzle was on the table and director Matthew A. Taylor decided to put it together”
  • La Nación: “At Taylor’s hand, Nisman becomes the center of a scene that he never left”
  • Breitbart: “Part historical account and part spy novel,” “the beauty of Los Abandonados is that director Matthew Taylor does not expect you to know who Alberto Nisman is, much less have a vivid memory of the AMIA bombing. If you are surprised– and alarmed– to hear that Hezbollah is actively operating in Latin America, then this is the film for you”
  • VEJA: “The film plays the role of putting all the pieces together
  • Fox News: “Explosive new documentary on Iran’s mysterious meddling in Argentina”, “paints a dark picture of a regime whose tentacles of terrorism reach around the globe”
  • Breitbart: “As Americans reflect on months at the negotiating table with Ali Khamenei, the new film Los Abandonados (“The Abandoned”) demands a deeper look at another Iran deal: the one Argentina made to absolve the perpetrators of the largest terrorist attack in their history”
  • Fox News: “the Spanish-language “Los Abandonados” (The Abandoned), written and directed by Matthew Taylor, details the apparent murder of Argentinian special prosecutor Alberto Nisman, who was gunned down in his home in January, the night before he was to reveal to congress bombshell evidence implicating Tehran in two deadly 1990s bombings targeting Jews — and his own government in a subsequent coverup”
  • RedState: “Secretary Kerry and President Obama would do well to watch Los Abandonados and take in its lessons: Iranian-backed terrorists have been operating in the Americas for decades. Deals with Iran cannot be trusted”
  • Mediate: “Anticipated documentary
  • O Estado de Sao Paulo: “The documentary features interviews with opposition politicians, reporters, experts, prosecutors, judges and former members of the intelligence service. All of them point to deliberate irregularities in the investigation of the two attacks and the prosecutor’s death….”
  • Zero Hora/Território Latino: “We have a new film coming out – and it’s extremely important,” “emotional trailer,” “Concentrating on personal memories, the documentary presents a broad and complete view of the tragedy of the AMIA, in the hope of serving to record the efforts by Nisman and its importance for Argentine society and the international community”
  • EFE: “The film, by US director Matthew Taylor, tries to reconstruct the history behind those attacks, the deadliest in the recent history of Argentina, in which 85 people died and about which there are still many unanswered questions”
  • NBC News: “a new documentary is examining the devastating and fatal 1994 bombing of a Buenos Aires, Argentina Jewish organization and the mysterious death two decades later [] of a prosecutor investigating the case”
  • El Mundo: “Taylor traces a journey
  • Preview: “A great film,” “you will see the history behind this heinous crime”
  • K Street Magazine: “riveting film,” “it captivates”
  • Clarín: “People queued for more than an hour in the street in front of the Newseum,” “there was great expectation to see the documentary”
  • InsideSources: “If such a scandal took place here, it would shake America to its core,” “the film connects the dots and explains the international intrigue that led to Nisman’s death”
  • O Globo: “Taylor tried to reconstruct the chronology of facts, draw the links between the attack and the murder of the prosecutor and highlight the links between the Iranian terrorist activities, regional political dynamics and corruption in the Argentine government